Institutionen der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Mathematisch-Geographische Fakultät > Mathematik > Mathematisches Institut für Maschinelles Lernen und Data
Science (MIDS)
Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 240.
Amelung, Wulf ; Tang, Ni ; Siebers, Nina ; Aehnelt, Michaela ; Eusterhues, Karin ; Felde, Vincent ; Guggenberger, Georg ; Kaiser, Klaus ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid ; Klumpp, Erwin ; Knief, Claudia ; Kruse, Jens ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Mikutta, Robert ; Peth, Stephan ; Ray, Nadja ; Prechtel, Alexander ; Ritschel, Thomas ; Schweizer, Steffen A.:
Architecture of soil microaggregates: Advancedmethodologies to explore properties and functions.
In: Journal of plant nutrition and soil science = Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde. 187 (2024) 1.
- S. 17-50.
ISSN 1522-2624
Cheng, Sibo ; Quilodrán-Casas, César ; Ouala, Said ; Farchi, Alban ; Liu, Che ; Tandeo, Pierre ; Fablet, Ronan ; Lucor, Didier ; Iooss, Bertrand ; Brajard, Julien ; Xiao, Dunhui ; Janjić, Tijana ; Ding, Weiping ; Guo, Yike ; Carrassi, Alberto ; Bocquet, Marc ; Arcucci, Rossella:
Machine Learning with Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification for Dynamical Systems : a Review.
In: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica. 10 (2023) 6.
- S. 1361-1387.
ISSN 2329-9266
Kutsenko, Anton:
A note on exotic integrals.
In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 151 (2023) 4.
- S. 1697-1703.
ISSN 0002-9939 ; 1088-6826
Fuchs, Tim ; Gross, David ; Jung, Peter ; Krahmer, Felix ; Kueng, Richard ; Stöger, Dominik:
Proof Methods for Robust Low-Rank Matrix Recovery.
In: Kutyniok, Gitta ; Rauhut, Holger ; Kunsch, Robert J. (Hrsg.): Compressed Sensing in Information Processing. -
Cham : Birkhäuser, 2022. - S. 37-75. - (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
ISBN 978-3-031-09744-7
ISSN 2296-5009
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Trömel, Silke ; Simmer, Clemens ; Blahak, Ulrich ; Blanke, Armin ; Ewald, Florian ; Frech, Michael ; Gergely, Mathias ; Hagen, Martin ; Hörnig, Sabine ; Janjić, Tijana ; Kalesse, Heike ; Kneifel, Stefan ; Knote, Christoph ; Mendrok, Jana ; Moser, Manuel ; Möller, Gregor ; Mühlbauer, Kai ; Myagkov, Alexander ; Pejcic, Velibor ; Seifert, Patric ; Shrestha, Prabhakar ; Teisseire, Audrey ; von Terzi, Leonie ; Tetoni, Eleni ; Vogl, Teresa ; Voigt, Christiane ; Zeng, Yuefei ; Zinner, Tobias ; Quaas, Johannes:
Overview: Fusion of Radar Polarimetry and Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Towards an Improved Understanding of Cloud and Precipitation Processes.
In: Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 21 (2021) 23.
- S. 17291-17314.
ISSN 1680-7324 ; 1680-7316
Craig, George C. ; Fink, Andreas H. ; Hoose, Corinna ; Janjić, Tijana ; Knippertz, Peter ; Laurian, Audine ; Lerch, Sebastian ; Mayer, Bernhard ; Miltenberger, Annette ; Redl, Robert ; Riemer, Michael ; Tempes, Kirsten I. ; Wirth, Volkmar:
Waves to Weather : Exploring the Limits of Predictability of Weather.
In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 102 (2021) 11.
ISSN 0003-0007 ; 1520-0477
Dahlke, Stefan ; De Mari, Filippo ; De Vito, Ernesto ; Sawatzki, Lukas ; Steidl, Gabriele ; Teschke, Gerd ; Voigtlaender, Felix:
On the Atomic Decomposition of Coorbit Spaces with Non-Integrable Kernel.
In: Boggiatto, Paolo ; Cordero, Elena ; de Gosson, Maurice ; Feichtinger, Hans. G ; Nicola, Fabio ; Oliaro, Alessandro ; Tabacco, Anita (Hrsg.): Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis. -
Basel : Birkhäuser, 2019. - S. 75-144. - (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
ISBN 978-3-030-05209-6
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Danilov, Sergey ; Juricke, Stephan ; Kutsenko, Anton ; Oliver, Marcel:
Toward Consistent Subgrid Momentum Closures in Ocean Models.
In: Eden, Carsten ; Iske, Armin (Hrsg.): Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean. -
Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2019. - S. 145-192. - (Mathematics of Planet Earth ; 1)
ISBN 978-3-030-05704-6 ; 978-3-030-05703-9
ISSN 2524-4272
Janjić, Tijana ; Bormann, N. ; Bocquet, Marc ; Carton, J. A. ; Cohn, Stephen E. ; Dance, Sarah L. ; Losa, Svetlana N. ; Nichols, Nancy K. ; Potthast, Roland ; Waller, Joanne A. ; Weston, P.:
On the representation error in data assimilation.
In: Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 144 (2018) 713.
- S. 1257-1278.
ISSN 1477-870x ; 0035-9009
Gustafsson, Nils ; Janjić, Tijana ; Schraff, Christoph ; Leuenberger, Daniel ; Weissmann, Martin ; Reich, Hendrik ; Brousseau, Pierre ; Montmerle, Thibaut ; Wattrelot, Eric ; Bučánek, Antonín ; Mile, Máté ; Hamdi, Rafiq ; Lindskog, Magnus ; Barkmeijer, Jan ; Dahlbom, Mats ; Macpherson, Bruce ; Ballard, Sue ; Inverarity, Gordon ; Carley, Jacob ; Curtis, Alexander ; Dowell, David ; Liu, Shun ; Ikuta, Yasutaka ; Fujita, Tadashi:
Survey of data assimilation methods for convective-scale numerical weather prediction at operational centres.
In: Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 144 (2018) 713.
- S. 1218-1256.
ISSN 1477-870x ; 0035-9009
Janjić, Tijana ; Lange, Heiner ; Ruckstuhl, Yvonne ; Zeng, Yuefei:
Approaches to convective scale data assimilation.
In: Steinle, Peter ; Dharssi, Imtiaz ; Gottwald, Georg ; et al. (Hrsg.): Data assimilation – Abstracts of the tenth CAWCR Workshop 5-9 December 2016, Melbourne, Australia. -
Melbourne : Australian Government, Bureau of Meteorology, 2016. - S. 41-44. - (Bureau Research Reports ; 017)
ISBN 978-0-642-70683-6
Stöger, Dominik ; Jung, Peter ; Krahmer, Felix:
Blind deconvolution and compressed sensing.
In: 4th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa). -
Aachen, 2016. - S. 24-27
ISBN 978-1-5090-2920-4
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Simmer, Clemens ; Adrian, Gerhard ; Jones, Sarah ; Wirth, Volkmar ; Göber, Martin ; Hohenegger, Cathy ; Janjić, Tijana ; Keller, Jan ; Ohlwein, Christian ; Seifert, Axel ; Trömel, Silke ; Ulbrich, Thorsten ; Wapler, Kathrin ; Weissmann, Martin ; Keller, Julia ; Masbou, Matthieu ; Meilinger, Stefanie ; Riß, Nicole ; Schomburg, Annika ; Vormann, Arnd ; Weingärtner, Christa:
HErZ: The German Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Research.
In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 97 (2016) 6.
- S. 1057-1068.
ISSN 0003-0007 ; 1520-0477
Žagar, Nedjeljka ; Bojarova, Jelena ; Gustafsson, Nils ; Janjić, Tijana ; Marseille, Gert-Jan ; Rennie, Michael ; Stoffelen, Ad ; Šavli, Matic:
Mesoscale data assimilation and the role of winds in limited-area models for NWP in Europe.
In: Workshop on Wind Profiles and Mesoscale Data Assimilation, 19-20 September 2016. -
Ljublijana, Slowenien, 2016
Walnut, David ; Pfander, Götz E. ; Kailath, Thomas:
Cornerstones of Sampling of Operator Theory.
In: Balan Radu ; Begué Matthew ; Benedetto John J. ; Czaja Wojciech (Hrsg.): Excursions in Harmonic Analysis. -
Cham : Birkhäuser, 2015. - S. 291-332. - (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis ; 4)
ISBN 978-3-319-20188-7 ; 978-3-319-20187-0
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Pfander, Götz E. ; Walnut, David:
Regular operator sampling for parallelograms.
In: Proceedings on the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), May 25 - 29, 2015, Washington DC. -
Piscataway, New Jersey : IEEE, 2015. - S. 44-47
ISBN 978-1-4673-7353-1 ; 1-4673-7353-2 ; 978-1-4673-7353-1
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Weissmann, Martin ; Göber, Martin ; Hohenegger, Cathy ; Janjić, Tijana ; Keller, Jan ; Ohlwein, Christian ; Seifert, Axel ; Trömel, Silke ; Ulbrich, Thorsten ; Wapler, Kathrin ; Bollmeyer, Christoph ; Deneke, Hartwig:
Initial phase of the Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Research – A virtual centre at the interface of basic and applied weather and climate research.
In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 23 (2014) 3.
- S. 193-208.
ISSN 0941-2948 ; 1610-1227
Pfander, Götz E.:
Sampling of Operators.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 19 (Juni 2013) 3.
- S. 612-650.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
Pfander, Götz E.:
Gabor frames in finite dimensions.
In: Casazza Peter K. ; Kutyniok Gitta (Hrsg): Finite Frames. -
Boston : Birkhäuser, 2013. - S. 193-239. - (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
ISBN 978-0-8176-8372-6 ; 978-0-8176-8373-3 ; 0-8176-8372-0
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Albertella, Alberta ; Savcenko, Roman ; Janjić, Tijana ; Rummel, Reiner ; Bosch, Wolfgang ; Schröter, Jens:
Mean Dynamic Ocean Topography in the Southern hemisphere from GRACE and GOCE and multi-mission altimeter data.
In: Proceedings of IUGG, Melbourne, 28th June - 7th of July, 2011. -
Melbourne, Australia, 2012
Albertella, Alberta ; Rummel, Reiner ; Savcenko, Roman ; Bosch, Wolfgang ; Janjić, Tijana ; Schröter, Jens ; Gruber, Thomas ; Bouman, Johannes:
Dynamic Ocean Topography from GOCE : Some Preparatory Attempts.
In: Proceedings of ESA Living Planet Symposium, held on 28 June - 2 July 2010 at Bergen in Norway. -
Bergen, Norway, 2010
Krahmer, Felix ; Pfander, Götz E. ; Rashkov, Peter:
An open question on the existence of Gabor frames in general linear position.
In: Dahlke, Stephan ; Daubechies, Ingrid ; Elad, Michal ; Kutyniok, Gitta ; Teschke, Gerd (Hrsg.): Structured Decompositions and Efficient Algorithms. -
Dagstuhl : Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany, 2009. - (Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings ; 08492)
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Pfander, Götz E.:
Generalized Haar wavelets and frames.
In: Aldroubi, Akram ; Laine, Andrew F. ; Unser, Michael A. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of SPIE, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII. -
Bellingham, USA : SPIE, 2000
ISBN 978-0819437648
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Kozek, Werner ; Pfander, Götz E. ; Zimmermann, Georg:
Perturbation stability of various coherent Riesz families.
In: Aldroubi, Akram ; Laine, Andrew F. ; Unser, Michael A. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of SPIE, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII. -
Bellingham, USA : SPIE, 2000. - S. 411-419
ISBN 978-0819437648
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Benedetto, John ; Pfander, Götz E.:
Wavelet periodicity detection algorithms.
In: Aldroubi, Akram ; Laine, Andrew F. ; Unser, Michael A. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of SPIE, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VI. -
Bellingham, USA : SPIE, 1998. - S. 48-55
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)