Forschungsprojekt Quantifizierung, Analyse und Modellierung von Hangabtrag auf steilen Erosionshängen in unterschiedlichen klimatischen Räumen durch Ground-based Laserdaten (Projekt-ID: 1889)
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Haas, Florian ; Hilger, Ludwig ; Neugirg, Fabian ; Umstädter, Kathrin ; Breitung, Christian ; Fischer, Peter ; Hilger, Paula ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Dusik, Jana ; Kaiser, Andreas ; Schmidt, Jürgen ; Della Seta, Marta ; Rosenkranz, Ruben ; Becht, Michael:
Quantification and analysis of geomorphic processes on a recultivated iron ore mine on the Italian island of Elba using long-term ground-based lidar and photogrammetric SfM data by a UAV.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 16 (31. Mai 2016).
- S. 1269-1288.
ISSN 1561-8633 ; 1684-9981
Neugirg, Fabian ; Stark, Manuel ; Kaiser, Andreas ; Vlácilová, Markéta ; Della Seta, Marta ; Vergari, Francesca ; Schmidt, Jürgen ; Becht, Michael ; Haas, Florian:
Erosion processes in calanchi in the Upper Orcia Valley, Southern Tuscany, Italy based on multitemporal high-resolution terrestrial LiDAR and UAV surveys.
In: Geomorphology. 269 (21. Juni 2016).
- S. 8-22.
ISSN 0169-555x ; 1872-695x
Neugirg, Fabian ; Kaiser, Andreas ; Huber, Alena ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Schindewolf, Marcus ; Schmidt, Jürgen ; Becht, Michael ; Haas, Florian:
Using terrestrial LiDAR data to analyse morphodynamics on steep
unvegetated slopes driven by different geomorphic processes.
In: Catena : an interdisciplinary journal of soil science, hydrology, geomorphology focusing on geoecology and landscape evolution. 142 (April 2016).
- S. 269-280.
ISSN 0341-8162 ; 1872-6887