Veröffentlichungen "Loth, Fanny"
Anzahl der Einträge: 4.
Schurr, T. ; Loth, Fanny ; Lidington, E. ; Piccinin, C. ; Arraras, Juan I. ; Groenvold, Mogens ; Holzner, Bernhard ; van Leeuwen, Marieke ; Petersen, Morten A. ; Schmidt, H. ; Young, Teresa ; Giesinger, Johannes M.:
Patient-reported outcome measures for physical function in cancer patients : content comparison of the EORTC CAT Core, EORTC QLQ-C30, SF-36, FACT-G, and PROMIS measures using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
In: BMC medical research methodology. 23 (2023): 21.
ISSN 1471-2288