Chrostowski, Mariusz:
O posłannictwie chrześcijan w pismach Leszka Kołakowskiego [About the mission of Christian in the writings of Leszek Kołakowski].
In: Studia Włocławskie / Włocławskie Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne. 22 (2020).
- S. 358-366.
ISSN 1506-5316
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Link zum Volltext (externe URL): https://ttn.wloclawek.pl/czasopisma/index.php/Stud... |
The attempt to define Christianity, according to Leszek Kołakowski, raises some controversy. The church exists between heaven and earth. He is the depositary of grace and protector of God’s laws on earth. Christians are obliged to follow and proclaim the values, which flow directly from the Gospel. Focusing on another human, means, that the Church, can not remain apolitical and remain silent, when the rights of the weakest are violated and the boundary between good and evil of evil is blurred. The Church as a part of culture should take responsibility for the political sphere of human activity.
Weitere Angaben
Publikationsform: | Artikel |
Schlagwörter: | Leszek Kołakowski; the mission of Christians; the Church; ethical and moral dilemmas |
Sprache des Eintrags: | Sonstige |
Institutionen der Universität: | Theologische Fakultät > Praktische Theologie > Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Religionslehre, Katechetik und Religionspädagogik |
Peer-Review-Journal: | Nein |
Verlag: | [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] |
Titel an der KU entstanden: | Nein |
KU.edoc-ID: | 31248 |
Letzte Änderung: 22. Dez 2022 16:53
URL zu dieser Anzeige: https://edoc.ku.de/id/eprint/31248/