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Blind demixing and deconvolution at near-optimal rate


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Jung, Peter ; Krahmer, Felix ; Stöger, Dominik:
Blind demixing and deconvolution at near-optimal rate.
In: IEEE transactions on information theory. 64 (2018) 2. - S. 704-727.
ISSN 0018-9448 ; 1557-9654


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We consider simultaneous blind deconvolution of r source signals from their noisy superposition, a problem also referred to blind demixing and deconvolution. This signal processing problem occurs in the context of the Internet of Things where a massive number of sensors sporadically communicate only short messages over unknown channels. We show that robust recovery of message and channel vectors can be achieved via convex optimization when random linear encoding using i.i.d. complex Gaussian matrices is used at the devices and the number of required measurements at the receiver scales with the degrees of freedom of the overall estimation problem. Since the scaling is linear in r our result significantly improves over recent works.

Weitere Angaben

Sprache des Eintrags:Portugiesisch
Institutionen der Universität:Mathematisch-Geographische Fakultät > Mathematik > Juniorprofessur für Data Science
Mathematisch-Geographische Fakultät > Mathematik > Mathematisches Institut für Maschinelles Lernen und Data Science (MIDS)
DOI / URN / ID:10.1109/TIT.2017.2784481
Open Access: Freie Zugänglichkeit des Volltexts?:Nein
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Titel an der KU entstanden:Nein
Eingestellt am: 02. Dez 2021 12:52
Letzte Änderung: 27. Sep 2024 13:53
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