Lauermann, Magdalena ; Betz, Florian ; Mehta, Kedar ; Thevs, Niels ; Ehrenwirth, Mathias ; Zörner, Wilfried ; Cyffka, Bernd:
Preservation of Selected Ecosystem Services in the Floodplains of the Naryn River (Kyrgyzstan): Introducing the ÖkoFlussPlan Project.
In: Geographica Augustana. 31 (2020).
- S. 47-53.
ISSN 1862-8680
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Link zum Volltext (externe URL): https://www.uni-augsburg.de/de/fakultaet/fai/geo/f... |
The floodplain ecosystems along the Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan still show largely natural dynamics and represent a regional hotspot of biodiversity. For the local population, they provide important ecosystem services, such as the provision of firewood and pasture land, areas for recreation and protection against erosion. However, the intensive use of the forests endangers their persistence. In addition, several hydropower plants are a threat to the natural dynamics of the river system and its biodiversity. There is thus a conflict between energy supply for the local population, the development of the country through the expansion of hydropower, and the preservation of natural ecosystems and their biodiversity. Preserving the riparian forests along the Naryn River and creating sustainable alternatives for energy supply is the aim of the ÖkoFlussPlan project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This article summarizes the current situation in the Naryn region and gives an overview of the ÖkoFlussPlan project and its broader context.
Weitere Angaben
Publikationsform: | Artikel |
Schlagwörter: | Ecosystem Services; Sustainable Development; Floodplain Ecosystems; Renewable Energy; Naryn River; Central Asia |
Themenfelder: | Nachhaltigkeit |
Sprache des Eintrags: | Englisch |
Institutionen der Universität: | Mathematisch-Geographische Fakultät > Geographie > Professur für Angewandte Physische Geographie und KU-Forschungsstelle Aueninstitut Neuburg |
Open Access: Freie Zugänglichkeit des Volltexts?: | Ja |
Verlag: | Universität Augsburg. Institut für Geographie |
Titel an der KU entstanden: | Ja |
KU.edoc-ID: | 25575 |
Letzte Änderung: 31. Jan 2022 23:49
URL zu dieser Anzeige: https://edoc.ku.de/id/eprint/25575/