Kießig, Sebastian:
Synod of Bishops on Young People: From Preparatory Document to Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit.
In: Bogoslovska smotra. 89 (2019) 5.
- S. 1065-1081.
ISSN 0352-3101
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This paper discusses two content aspects. Firstly, it describes the synodal process of the Synod of Youth (2018). The interesting thing about this process is the fact that the synodal way is an example for new synodal processes in the universal church. Pope Francis declared the new synodal way as generally binding in the Apostolic constitution Episcopalis communio (15 September 2018). A new incentive of this constitution is the participation of all the population of God in the Pre‑Synodal Meeting, the accountability of all documents in the synodal way, and the influence that the participants of the synod will have in the Final document. Secondly, this paper focuses on the discussion about vocation and discernment. It clarifies the struggles of Christological and anthropological orientation for »discernment « in life. The synodal process raises awareness of the lengthy process of vocation decisions today. It also offers guidance to all people, regardless of beliefs, for discernment and vocation, and in a second step, explicitly for Christians.
Weitere Angaben
Publikationsform: | Artikel |
Schlagwörter: | Synod of Youth; discernment; vocation; synodal process; Episcopalis communio |
Institutionen der Universität: | Theologische Fakultät > Praktische Theologie > Professur für Pastoraltheologie |
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Open Access: Freie Zugänglichkeit des Volltexts?: | Ja |
Peer-Review-Journal: | Ja |
Verlag: | Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb |
Die Zeitschrift ist nachgewiesen in: | |
Titel an der KU entstanden: | Ja |
KU.edoc-ID: | 23944 |
Letzte Änderung: 17. Mär 2020 10:17
URL zu dieser Anzeige: https://edoc.ku.de/id/eprint/23944/