Forschungsprojekt Management industrieller Dienstleistungen
Anzahl der Einträge: 3.
Aufsatz in einem Buch-
Eggert, Andreas ; Hogreve, Jens ; Ulaga, Wolfgang ; Münkhoff, Eva:
Disentangling the Revenue and Cost Implications of the Service Transition : a Latent Growth Analysis.
In: Proceedings of the ISBM 2010 Academic Conference: Advances in B-to-B Marketing, Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, August 11-12, 2010. -
Boston, USA, 2010
Eggert, Andreas ; Hogreve, Jens ; Ulaga, Wolfgang ; Muenkhoff, Eva:
Industrial Services, Product Innovations, and Firm Profitability: A Longitudinal Analysis.
In: Proceedings of the Frontiers in Service Pre-Conference on Solution Innovations, Karlstad, Sweden, 10.06.2010. -
Karlstad, 2010