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Grunow, Hendrikje:
Hablan los hijos. Tres obras para enriquecer los debates sobre la postmemoria
desde el Cono Sur.
( Rezension von: Blejmar, Jordana: Playful Memories The Autofictional Turn in Post-Dictatorship Argentina. Nueva York, 2016. - Fried Amilivia, Gabriela: State Terrorism and the Politics of Memory in Latin America : Transmission Across the Generations of Post-Dictatorship Uruguay, 1984-2004. Amherst, 2016. -
Jara, Daniela: Children and the Afterlife of Violence : Memories of Dictatorship. Nueva York, 2016)
In: Critical reviews on Latin American research : CROLAR. 6 (2017) 2.
- S. 31-36.
ISSN 2195-3481