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Germany : Supportive in Times of Crisis


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Brummer, Klaus ; Oppermann, Kai:
Germany : Supportive in Times of Crisis.
In: Brummer, Klaus ; Ganguly, Šumit (Hrsg.): States and Their Nationals Abroad : Support, Co-opt, Repress. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2025. - S. 230-255
ISBN 978-1-009-53202-0 ; 978-1-009-53198-6


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The chapter explores how Germany engages with its nationals abroad, covering the diplomatic/consular, economic/social and military dimensions. As of 2020, around 2.9 million Germans permanently lived outside Germany, mostly in other European countries and North America, and approximately 24 million Germans went abroad for their main holidays in 2021. The chapter finds that Germany’s activities towards these German nationals residing or travelling abroad is relatively limited overall, with a focus on supporting and assisting German citizens. There is only little evidence for policies to co-opt Germans abroad, for example in the context of return schemes for highly-skilled German citizens, and no indication for repression at all, as befits a liberal democracy. While Germany’s engagement is typically of low domestic salience, Germany can mobilize significant resources to support its nationals abroad at times of crisis (e.g., natural disasters or hostage situations), in particular through its global diplomatic network. Germany has also used its armed forces for military evacuations from conflict zones, often in close coordination with its European and transatlantic partners. Germany can thus be described as a capable protector that is, however, reluctant to engage with its national communities abroad on a more comprehensive and proactive basis.

Weitere Angaben

Publikationsform:Aufsatz in einem Buch
Sprache des Eintrags:Englisch
Institutionen der Universität:Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät > Politikwissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Internationale Beziehungen
DOI / URN / ID:10.1017/9781009531986.010
Open Access: Freie Zugänglichkeit des Volltexts?:Nein
Titel an der KU entstanden:Ja
Eingestellt am: 16. Jan 2025 08:29
Letzte Änderung: 17. Jan 2025 15:25
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