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Long-term suspended sediment monitoring in upper Kaunertal, Austria : Examining trigger mechanisms of high transport events


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Kara, Diana-Eileen ; Himmelstoss, Toni ; Betz-Nutz, Sarah ; Altmann, Moritz ; Rom, Jakob ; Haas, Florian ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Becht, Michael:
Long-term suspended sediment monitoring in upper Kaunertal, Austria : Examining trigger mechanisms of high transport events.
In: Rutzinger, Martin ; Anders, Katharina ; Eltner, Anette ; Gevaert, Caroline ; Höfle, Bernhard ; Lindenbergh, Roderik ; Mayr, Andreas ; Nopens, Lea-Sophie ; Elberink, Sander Oude ; Pirotti, Francesco (Hrsg.): Sensing Mountains 2024 : Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research ; Close Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain. - Innsbruck : Innsbruck University Press, 2024. - S. 77-80
ISBN 978-3-99106-137-3


Open Access
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Understanding suspended sediment transport in high Alpine catchments is essential due to its significant implications, including reservoir sedimentation. Heavy precipitation events, snow melt, and glacier melt can lead to high annual sediment yields, even though the peak of sediment transport may have already been passed
in some alpine catchments (Schmidt et al. 2023).

This work includes the differentiation of events with high suspended sediment load based on their specific triggering mechanism and the quantification of the amount of suspended sediment supplied by the sub-catchments. Suspended sediment concentration data with a high temporal resolution of 15 minutes, were analysed at the Gepatschalm gauge station for the years 2012-2022 on the river Fagge at the Upper Kaunertal catchment in Tyrol, Austria. This time series was analysed alongside discharge and meteorological data, to assess the processes leading to high suspended sediment load. Additionally, in-situ measurements (Fig. 1) were carried out under various hydrometeorological conditions at multiple strategic stations. These measurements concentrate on snowmelt, glacier melt, and precipitation events. To categorise the high-transport events, we follow the approach described by Skålevåg et al. (2024). Furthermore, multi-temporal Digital Elevation Models (Fig. 2), based on UAV and airborne laser scanning, were used to correlate suspended sediment load with the observed changes in sediment storages.

These insights provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms driving suspended sediment transport in the high Alpine regions. The findings underscore the importance of continuous, spatially distributed monitoring, which also facilitates the development of predictive models.

Weitere Angaben

Publikationsform:Aufsatz in einem Buch
Sprache des Eintrags:Englisch
Institutionen der Universität:Mathematisch-Geographische Fakultät > Geographie > Lehrstuhl für Physische Geographie
Open Access: Freie Zugänglichkeit des Volltexts?:Ja
Begutachteter Aufsatz:Ja
Titel an der KU entstanden:Ja
Eingestellt am: 14. Okt 2024 10:19
Letzte Änderung: 22. Okt 2024 12:46
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