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A differentiated model for promoting language development and linguistic diversity through music education


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Inceel, Sezgin:
A differentiated model for promoting language development and linguistic diversity through music education.
Veranstaltung: EAS 2024 - 31st EAS Conference “Traditions in Transformation”, June 12-15, 2024, Dublin, Ireland.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung, Moderation/Leitung)


In times of complex social and political challenges, where the role of languages is becoming increasingly important, there is an urgent need for educators to understand the potential of reciprocal learning relationships between music and language, including in bi- and multilingual contexts, in order to transform classrooms into (more) diverse places. Researchers explore the link between bilingualism and artistic expression, suggesting that bilingualism could affect an artist's work and identity by influencing creativity and cognition (Gardner-Chloros 2014). They also point to how music (particularly rap) in the classroom can enhance language and cultural learning, thereby promoting multilingualism, especially when considering the diverse backgrounds of students, including those who are economically disadvantaged (Aliagas, Fernández, and Llonch 2016; Kelly 2013). Given this information, the present study aims to present the thematic analysis of interviews and observations with Turkish-German families to understand the perceptions surrounding bilingualism and music education. Data were collected from 5 pilot and 10 main participants through parent-child observations and parent interviews. They were also given a small task after the interview and their perceptions of this task were also collected two weeks after the interviews. The thematic analysis shows that bilingualism/multilingualism in a musical environment is not only about translating songs, but rather about contextualised and (inter)culturally meaningful practices. Five main categories from the findings (emotions, idealism, difficulties, music for non-dominant language and baby steps) are presented and discussed with respect to previous research. Finally, on the basis of the results and the author's practical experience, a model is offered to differentiate the possibilities of multilingualism in a music classroom - from first language development to linguistically diverse and inclusive groups.

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Publikationsform:Veranstaltungsbeitrag (unveröffentlicht): Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung, Moderation/Leitung
Schlagwörter:Multilingualism; Bilingualism; Music and languages; Diversity studies; Turkish-German perspective
Themenfelder:Flucht und Migration
Sprache des Eintrags:Englisch
Institutionen der Universität:Philosophisch-Pädagogische Fakultät > Musik > Professur für Musikpädagogik und Musikdidaktik
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Open Access: Freie Zugänglichkeit des Volltexts?:Nein
Titel an der KU entstanden:Nein
Eingestellt am: 18. Jun 2024 11:45
Letzte Änderung: 26. Jun 2024 12:31
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