Di Gregorio, Francesco:
Error-related brain acitivty reflects : independent systems in human error monitoring.
Eichstätt, 2019. - 173 S.
(Dissertation, 2019, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
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Performance monitoring is a key function of human cognition and critical for
achieving goal-directed behavior. In recent years, research has particularly focused
on how the brain detects and evaluates behavioral errors. Most studies investigated
two neural correlates of performance monitoring in the human scalp EEG. In
particular, the error-related negativity (Ne/ERN) is a negative fronto-central deflection
observed immediately after an erroneous response, representing an early and
unconscious stage of error processing. The Ne/ERN is followed by the later error
positivity (Pe), a broader positivity viewed as a correlate of conscious error
processing. Whereas a large amount of research has been conducted on these
neural correlates, fundamental questions on their relationship remain. Crucially, it is
still unclear whether both components represent functionally independent processes
of error monitoring or whether the two components are part of a single mechanism.
The first possibility implies that the earlier Ne/ERN provides the basis for the later
emergence of the Pe and error awareness in a cascade-like architecture of error
monitoring. The other possibility is that the Pe and error awareness can emerge
independently of the Ne/ERN, which implies that different error monitoring
mechanisms exist and may proceed independently. The thesis addresses the
important question whether Ne/ERN provides necessary information for error
awareness and Pe. To this aim, behavioral and psychophysiological studies were
(1) In a first part, we investigated whether Ne/ERN and Pe are causally related
(study 1). We developed a novel experimental paradigm based on the classical letters flanker task. In this paradigm, participants have to classify targets but ignore
irrelevant distractors (flankers) that are always associated with an incorrect
response. Targets but not flankers are masked with varying target-masking intervals.
On some trials, no target at all is presented, thus preventing the representation of a
correct response. Importantly, the lack of a representation of the correct response
also prevents the emergence of Ne/ERN. However, because flankers are easily
visible and responses to these flankers are always incorrect, conscious detection of
these flanker errors is still possible. The presence of a Pe in the absence of Ne/ERN
for flanker errors provides evidence for independent error monitoring processes.
(2) In a second part, we investigated whether the Ne/ERN and Pe are
differentially sensitive to temporal aspects of conscious error detection. Whereas the
Pe is assumed to be the earliest correlate of the emergence of conscious error
perception, participants often report the feeling of having detected an error even
before the erroneous response was actually executed (“early error sensations”). The
first goal of this part was to investigate whether such anecdotal evidence can be
measured empirically. In study 2, a series of behavioral experiments using different
methodological procedures were conducted. Participants during choice tasks have to
report whether errors were accompanied or not by early error sensations (i.e. early
and late detected errors) or give confidence judgments about early error sensations.
Participants frequently reported early errors with high level of confidence.
Subsequently, we studied how error-related brain activity reflects the emergence of
early error sensations. In study 3, we measured EEG activity and compared early
and late detected errors. Results showed that while the Pe reliably reflects the early
error sensations (larger amplitude for early errors), the Ne/ERN does not (no
differences between early and late errors). Crucially, the Ne/ERN and the Pe
responded differently to temporal aspects of error awareness, meaning that Ne/ERN
and Pe could rely on different types of information for error detection. This again
speaks for the idea of independent systems of error monitoring.
Weitere Angaben
Publikationsform: | Hochschulschrift (Dissertation) |
Schlagwörter: | Kognition; Denkfehler |
Sprache des Eintrags: | Englisch |
Institutionen der Universität: | Philosophisch-Pädagogische Fakultät > Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Psychologie
Philosophisch-Pädagogische Fakultät > Dissertationen / Habilitationen |
DOI / URN / ID: | urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-5108 |
Titel an der KU entstanden: | Ja |
KU.edoc-ID: | 23270 |
Letzte Änderung: 04. Feb 2022 08:38
URL zu dieser Anzeige: https://edoc.ku.de/id/eprint/23270/