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Jesus Christ - Truly God and Truly Man : Towards a Systematic Dialogue between Christology in Africa and Pope Benedict XVI´s Christological Conception


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Nwaogaidu, John Chidubem:
Jesus Christ - Truly God and Truly Man : Towards a Systematic Dialogue between Christology in Africa and Pope Benedict XVI´s Christological Conception.
Münster : LIT, 2014. - 242 S. - (Afrikanische Theologie ; 3)
ISBN 978-3-643-90732-5
(Dissertation, 2014, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)


The truth of the Christian message must be interpreted in such a way that Christ as the Incarnate Word - `truly God and truly Man´- could become part of the people`s way of life.
It is in such interpretation that African Christians in their faith encounter and life experiences might be able to perceive the reality of Christ-events and find a true home with themselves and with their God.

Weitere Angaben

Publikationsform:Hochschulschrift (Dissertation)
Institutionen der Universität:Theologische Fakultät > Systematische Theologie > Lehrstuhl für Dogmatik und Dogmengeschichte
Theologische Fakultät > Dissertationen / Habilitationen
Titel an der KU entstanden:Ja
Eingestellt am: 26. Apr 2016 13:57
Letzte Änderung: 20. Dez 2021 14:52
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